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40th Reunion Donations and Sponsorships

40th Reunion Donations and Sponsorships

As we’ve been planning our 40th Reunion, one of our main goals has been to not charge anything for admission. While charging for admission might be not be a dealbreaker for any of our classmates, we’d hate to have someone not attend because they can’t afford it.

Another reason to avoid charging for admission is that would mean someone has to worry about who paid and who didn’t. Either assign wristbands or only give out plates to people who’ve paid for a ticket, etc. That would detract from having fun.

While there are no admission prices, everything will be pay as you go. Food, drink, etc. So everyone can spend as much or as little as they’d like.

By having a cash bar rather than an open bar for both nights, we’re hoping that will help deter anyone from thinking they’re still in high school and be another incentive to drink responsibly.

Our Friday night event at Hold Fast doesn’t really have any potential out of pocket expenses for the Planning Committee. We’re having it at Hold Fast and they’ll already be open for business that night serving their regular customers. So we’ll just have a section reserved for us. But we don’t have to provide any guarantees, deposits or minimums.

Our Saturday night event at Rock & Pillar is a different story. There will be some out of pocket expenses for the Planning Committee.

To protect the Planning Committee from any liability, we’re hiring professional bartenders with liquor liability coverage. We’ll have food and beverage minimums that we’ll have to meet that evening as well as cover any gratuities.

Our ballpark guess of an all-in price for the Saturday night event is around $2500. So we’d like to cover as much of those costs as we can ahead of time through a combination of donations and sponsorships.

Any excess funds will be donated to the Parkview Scholarship Fund.


Any donations under $100 we’re calling a Friends Of ’83 level donation. We’ll be listing our Friends Of ’83 donors on our Sponsors page.

When you make your donation, you will be redirected to PayPal’s website to complete the payment.

If you don’t have a PayPal account, simply scroll down on PayPal’s website to make the payment with your credit card.

Click here to make a donation.


We have three levels of sponsorships:

$100 – Viking Level Sponsor
$250 – Green Level Sponsor
$500 – Gold Level Sponsor

All sponsorships will listed on our Sponsors page along with the classmate’s name that is associated with the business as well as a logo that links back to their business.

If a Sponsor is interested in offering any type of special deals or discounts to their classmates, we will also have a Special Deals page.

Higher sponsorship levels will be closer to the top with bigger logos.

When you sign up for your sponsorship, you will be redirected to PayPal’s website to complete the payment.

If you don’t have a PayPal account, simply scroll down on PayPal’s website to make the payment with your credit card.

Click here to sign up for a sponsorship.

Donations and Sponsorships FAQs

“So we have to pay for our own food and drink AND you’re looking for donations and sponsorships?” 

Well, yeah. But it’s 100% optional. We’re not going to be giving this a hard sell and we don’t need that much money.

We’re hoping that a few people will step up with some sponsorships. Some people who can’t make it might want to still show their support with a donation or a sponsorship. We think we can raise this $2500 pretty easily.

“How do we know this money will actually be used for the reunion?”

The Planning Committee has been working on this reunion for over a year now. We’ve donated a ton of our own time and built this website, been running Facebook ads, etc. without any type of compensation. If this was all just a grand scheme to bamboozle our classmates, then we probably should have come up with a better plan.

“Sounds good. How can I participate?”

Click here to make a donation.

Click here for a sponsorship.

Click here to see our list of donors and sponsorships.

If you have any other questions, please send an email to [email protected]

Thanks for your support.

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